Authors: Ammar Plumber, Elaina Lin, Kim Nguyen, Ryan Karbowicz, and Meghan Aines
This website was produced as a final project for BDS 516: Data Science and Quantitative Modeling, a graduate course taught by Alex Shpenev at the University of Pennsylvania.
The tweets that we use in this analysis were obtained from the following GitHub repository by Emily Chen, a computer science Ph.D. student at USC:
COVID-19 has wreaked unprecedented havoc around the world. From a data analytics perspective, never before has a pandemic occurred during a time in history when almost any human can publicly share their thoughts on a global platform. More specifically, Twitter offers real-time insight on the attitudes, beliefs, and general moods of a populace. In this analysis, we compare the sentiments of COVID-19 related tweets at the beginning of the pandemic on March 30, 2020, to the sentiments exactly one year later on March 30, 2021. We select this time frame to capture two of the key events during this pandemic, the onset of stay-at-home orders and vaccine availability. As opposed to other data collection methods, such as interviews and surveys (and the numerous response biases that come along with them), sentiment analysis through Twitter is better able to capture the raw and unfiltered emotions of people who feel the need to express their views.
By gaining a better understanding of the general sentiment of a given population, policy leaders can become better informed regarding how to more effectively govern people during times of crisis. For instance, if feelings of fear are high, politicians can offer words of reassurance to instill feelings of calmness and ease. Or, if feelings of trust are low, politicians can attempt to mend the public trust by strengthening accountability and transparency within the government. At the end of the day, essentially any policy decision can be better informed by knowing how the general populace feels about the issue at hand.
We also examine which COVID-19 topics are most talked about. Similar to sentiment analysis, topic analysis can help inform policy leaders about which topics garner the most interest and need to be addressed. For instance, in the case of COVID-19, if a popular topic is the lack of ventilators, a good policy leader would be wise to offer updates on the distribution, as well as the known efficacy of ventilators.
We also examine differences in geographic attention between the two dates. More specifically, we look at how often each country is mentioned in each sample period, as well as which words are associated with each country. In the case of COVID-19, this information can be very helpful in terms of gaining a better understanding of general attitudes towards China. Because the corona virus originated in Wuhan, China, people around the world have unfortunately expressed negative sentiment towards Chinese people. Gaining a better understanding of how these attitudes have changed over time can help inform policy leaders as to whether or not extra measures need to be taken to protect and defend people of Chinese origin.
Lastly, we examine which features are most predictive of how many retweets a tweet gets. In general, it is believed that social media posts with more extreme positive/negative valence tend to be more likely to go viral. In fact, the best selling author Seth Godin has remarked that ”One of the problems with social media is that the stronger the view you express, the more likely it will become amplified.” By examining the kinds of sentiments associated with more viral tweets, as well as the sources of these tweets and the textual elements of the tweets, we can either confirm or disconfirm this common belief. The results that we find can help inform policy leaders about how to craft tweets containing important information in a way that maximizes the likelihood that a large number of people will be exposed to that content. This analysis will also provide valuable insights regarding how the virality of tweets has changed over time, so that policy leaders can adjust their approaches to the climate of the times.
Are there differences in sentiments between the two sample periods—both in original tweets and in retweets?
Which topics are there the most original tweets about, and which are more often the subject of retweets?
Is there a difference in geographic attention between the two dates? For example, was China being discussed more in 2020 or 2021?
Which of these features are most predictive of how many retweets a tweet gets?
Are there certain sentiments or topic-specific words that are most likely to attract retweets?
After hydrating the tweets using Python, we segregated each period’s tweets into original and retweet sets and prepared R-ready CSV files. Then, using R, we determined the frequency of words in the tweets, tweet lengths, common hashtags, and mentions. Many of these steps required our data to be in tidytext format.
Then, we conduct sentiment analysis to further characterize the two periods. We joined the NRC Word-Emotion Association Lexicon to our data. Doing so allowed us to tag the words with eight basic emotions and sentiments. We also joined the AFINN lexicon to rate the emotional valence (positive or negative) of each word.
Next, we use the quanteda package for Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) topic modeling. This algorithm determines the clusters of words that are likely to co-occur, thus defining the topics. Topic modeling helps to illuminate the different conversations surrounding COVID-19 in each period.
We also seek to identify the features that predict a tweet’s virality—defined as the ratio of retweets to followers of the original account. For example, a user with two followers who gets eight retweets on a given tweet would receive a virality score of four. For our two modeling methods, we use the sentiments, mean AFINN score, and topic-specific words as inputs. Our methods include the random forests method and backward stepwise regression optimized using the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC).
We used random forest because it is an ensemble algorithm that runs well on large datasets and has a low risk of overfitting. We use backward stepwise regression so we that can start with a complete model with all of our selected variables and remove those that are predictively insignificant.
It appears that by 2021, the term “coronavirus” has become a fairly uncommon way to refer to the virus, with COVID becoming the reference of choice. It also seems that over the time frame, messaging about staying home, social distancing, and Trump has died down and become more undifferentiated from the many other COVID-19-related topics being discussed.
30 Mar 2020 Mean Tweet Length: 149.37
30 Mar 2021 Mean Tweet Length: 164.94
We check whether there is a difference in tweet lengths between the two samples.
Tweets from March 2020 were on average shorter than those from 2021. It seems that there is a greater share of longer tweets (around 300 characters) in 2021.
The difference in mean tweet length is statistically significant, as p-value obtained for the one-sided unpaired two sample t-test is much less than 0.01. The difference is substantial as well, about sixteen fewer characters.
We joined the NRC Word-Emotion Association Lexicon to our data, which allowed us to identify words associated with eight basic emotions (anger, fear, anticipation, trust, surprise, sadness, joy, and disgust) and two sentiments (negative and positive).
We produce visualizations comparing the sentiments being expressed in each sample period.
Compared to our 2020 tweets, the 2021 tweets express less trust, less surprise, less joy, less disgust, less anticipation, and less anger, but more sadness, more fear, and more positivity,
Looking at the specific words underlying the 2020 and 2021 sentiments, we can see that the word “pandemic” has been most used but with a different frequency in each sample period. In 2021, other negatively valenced words such as “bad” and "sh*t" words became more common, as did positively valenced words such as “hope” and “love”. This is interesting because it demonstrates that after a year, people seem to be more expressive, likely from the fallout and exhaustion of the previous year.
Next, we join the AFINN sentiment lexicon, a list of English terms manually rated for valence with an integer between -5 (negative) and +5 (positive) by Finn Årup Nielsen between 2009 and 2011. We use this lexicon to compute mean positivity scores for all words tweeted in each sample year.
The tweets from 2021 are slightly more positive, but the difference appears negligible.
In 2020, the word “support” (positively valenced) was the most frequently appearing word from the lexicon, whereas in 2021, the word “stop” (negatively valenced) appeared the most frequently. Note that “support” and “stop” are opposites. Perhaps initially, there were certain efforts people wanted to promote to mitigate effects of the pandemic. It could be that people grew exhausted of the pandemic and became more attitudinally opposed to certain phenomena than supportive of others.
topic1 | topic2 | topic3 | topic4 | topic5 | topic6 | topic7 | topic8 | topic9 | topic10 |
covid | covid | pandem | corona | lockdown | stay | coronavirus | china | deliv | #coronavirus |
death | pandem | trump | virus | @drtedro | home | covid | virus | #covid19 | #covid |
coronavirus | coronavirus | coronavirus | lockdown | world | social | health | trump | support | #covid19 |
test | call | @realdonaldtrump | shit | god | distanc | mask | peopl | offici | read |
week | time | presid | time | @who | peopl | hospit | spread | act | #stayhom |
die | nation | peopl | day | coronavirus | safe | care | world | ll | quarantin |
infect | due | live | hope | follow | friend | fight | chines | sign | day |
report | busi | news | famili | bad | month | worker | countri | senat | post |
york | respons | media | don | india | fuck | patient | @realdonaldtrump | copi | #socialdistanc |
updat | pay | american | fuck | @ladygaga | april | protect | blame | repres | watch |
posit | countri | die | peopl | pandem | don | medic | stop | @govkemp | video |
rate | question | real | covid | student | day | doctor | govern | #gapol | share |
confirm | crisi | global | wait | thousand | live | take | lie | @rondesantisfl | #quarantinelif |
dr | person | watch | love | lot | time | save | call | #sayfi | stori |
total | govern | respons | die | game | week | ventil | travel | #flapol | time |
million | school | #coronavirus | gonna | feel | hous | crisi | hoax | parent | check |
gt | issu | listen | start | readi | hand | nurs | america | beach | link |
counti | continu | stop | kill | univers | extend | donat | start | middl | sunday |
hospit | amid | brief | ve | covid19 | practic | healthcar | ban | @scgovernorpress | book |
flu | move | press | job | usa | sick | line | suppli | #scpolit | play |
Now, we use the quanteda package’s implementation of topic modeling to identify what themes/discussions are prevalent in each year. Underlying this topic modeling implementation is Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA), a machine learning algorithm that learns clusters of words that tend to occur together (topics). Tweets, therefore, are understood as heterogeneous mixtures of these topics. For each tweet, probabilities are assigned for each topic that the document may or may not include, and we will assume that the topic assigned the highest probability by the algorithm is the focus of the tweet.
While these topics may initially seem to make little sense, there are some patterns we can pick out.
Topic 1 seems to be the informational topic concerning outbreaks, data, hospitalizations, deaths, etc.
Topic 2, it would seem, is focused on the crisis’ impact on the nation: businesses, governments, schools, and people.
Topic 3 appears to be focused on Trump. More specifically, it seems to be about media-related topics such as press briefings, live news, etc. Topic 3 was among the most frequently discussed topics, as a lot of attention was focused on the president.
Topic 4 seems to encompass emotionally intense tweets reflecting fear, anger, and hope. It includes multiple curse words along with words like “love,” “hope,” “kill,” and “die.”
Topic 5 is puzzling; there is no apparent connection between the WHO, Dr. Tedros, and Lady Gaga. We eventually found out that these words correspond to a topic that was trending on 30 Mar 2020: a phone call between WHO Director Dr. Tedros and Lady Gaga. See here:
Topic 6 encompasses tweets urging social distancing.
Topic 7 is the most distinct, as it clearly focuses on the health care situation: mask and ventilator shortages, risks posed to doctors and nurses, and inadequate testing.
Topic 8 centers on China. If we piece together the words, it seems that some of the tweets likely discuss whether it is apt to blame China (note that one of the keywords is “stop”). Additional terms include “travel,” “ban,” and “hoax,” and “lie,” which altogether imply that conversations centered on China are interwoven with virus skepticism.
Topic 9 is clearly a political topic; it seems to be discussing national- and state-level policies. For instance, it includes Governor Kemp of Georgia (GA) and the hashtag #gapol, Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida (FL) and the hashtag #flapol, the South Carolina governor press and SC-related hashtags, and, at a national level, the Senate and representatives.
Topic 10 seems to focus on things people are doing at home while quarantining—watching sports in particular: “#stayhom,” “#quarantinelif,” “read,” “play,” “watch,” “game,” and “day.” This was the second most prevalent topic. It seems that many people were tweeting about their day-to-day experience in quarantine.
topic1 | topic2 | topic3 | topic4 | topic5 | topic6 | topic7 | topic8 | topic9 | topic10 |
#covid19 | home | covid | pandem | vaccin | pandem | covid | mask | covid | pandem |
virus | covid | lockdown | post | covid | trump | cdc | peopl | death | covid |
#covid | stay | time | link | week | respons | biden | wear | test | peopl |
#coronavirus | school | watch | #covid19 | shot | covid | american | social | peopl | fuck |
dr | time | support | learn | effect | fauci | news | pandem | virus | feel |
concern | live | month | servic | dose | bad | doom | distanc | day | love |
base | kid | day | share | risk | tweet | border | care | report | shit |
plan | children | due | check | million | situat | impend | don | posit | don |
@potus | safe | play | citi | receiv | birx | director | stop | hospit | talk |
evict | break | busi | music | immun | access | warn | continu | rate | ve |
mar | famili | close | promo | prevent | origin | die | health | die | time |
#vaccin | student | restrict | world | read | call | presid | covid | china | guy |
#ccpvirus | due | brisban | websit | coronavirus | amount | thousand | control | flu | take |
alarm | nurs | game | market | studi | histori | passport | public | lab | god |
tax | week | quarantin | leader | health | reach | trump | complet | patient | hope |
transmiss | travel | start | live | elig | blame | travel | scienc | coronavirus | happen |
peter | line | local | read | uk | rt | america | life | increas | make |
fund | women | ago | promot | appoint | dr | surg | busi | updat | day |
navarro | job | season | recent | pfizer | pm | top | data | wuhan | start |
extend | person | lock | sign | develop | great | illeg | rule | counti | real |
The topics from 2021 are harder to interpret.
Topic 1 mentions the Peter Navarro scandal, wherein he—a Trump advisor—allegedly personally profited from questionable/corrupt COVID-19 vaccine investment decisions. None of the other words capture a distinct theme; there are also mentions of taxes, the POTUS, China blaming, etc.
Topic 2 discusses the handling of children and families with respect to schools, travel, and jobs.
Topic 3 seems to be talking about a sports game featuring Brisbane, which people were presumably tuning into. This inference is based on the following words: “watch,” “play,” “brisban,” “game,” and “season.”
We cannot make sense of topic 4.
Topic 5 focuses on the vaccine rollout.
Topic 6 seems focused on Deborah Birx’s comments right around that time, when she claimed that most COVID-19 deaths could have been prevented by Trump and Fauci.
Topic 7 concerns the border crisis—the surge of illegal migrants coming to the US from Mexico, which possibly raises public health fears.
Topic 8 encourages mask wearing and social distancing.
Topic 9 seems informational—focused partly on the COVID situation in China, though the mention of “lab” makes me think that there are conspiracy theories captured by this topic.
Topic 10 is the emotional topic, with angry curse words and words like “love,” “feel,” “hope,” and “God.”
We examine this question for both March of 2020 and 2021. We use the newsmap model as described on the quanteda package website:
After formatting the data into country-level document feature matrices, we show the estimated number of mentions for each country.
It appears that for both datasets, the most mentions concern the United States. However, in 2020, a greater share of attention is centered on China than on the next two most mentioned locations (Britain and Canada).
We can visualize this using geographic heatmaps.
As you can see, China is brighter in the 2020 map (as is India and Australia to an extent), which indicates a higher frequency of mentions.
In 2021, the English-speaking Twitter user-base seems to be slightly more focused on its home countries than on China, though China still receives substantial attention.
word | coef |
americans | 6.64 |
american | 6.36 |
wtf | 2.12 |
propaganda | 2.00 |
dangerous | 2.00 |
scientists | 1.71 |
1.71 | |
relief | 1.71 |
irresponsible | 1.71 |
citizens | 1.62 |
word | coef |
china | 7.79 |
chinese | 6.04 |
tons | 4.82 |
communist | 3.08 |
wing | 2.98 |
february | 2.91 |
january | 2.57 |
blocked | 2.47 |
racist | 2.37 |
supplies | 2.32 |
word | coef |
uk | 6.65 |
ventilator | 2.20 |
son | 1.91 |
street | 1.60 |
write | 1.60 |
building | 1.60 |
usa | 1.56 |
police | 1.54 |
note | 1.51 |
economic | 1.51 |
word | coef |
canada | 6.46 |
recovered | 1.77 |
buy | 1.70 |
security | 1.70 |
mo | 1.63 |
difficult | 1.63 |
wall | 1.63 |
leading | 1.63 |
write | 1.63 |
spend | 1.63 |
word | coef |
americans | 6.95 |
american | 6.25 |
washington | 5.43 |
bless | 3.12 |
saved | 2.92 |
facilities | 2.09 |
borders | 1.90 |
reopen | 1.78 |
died | 1.69 |
elected | 1.69 |
word | coef |
china | 7.18 |
chinese | 6.30 |
origins | 3.52 |
theory | 3.27 |
obama | 2.93 |
animal | 2.42 |
lab | 2.33 |
believes | 2.24 |
wuhan | 2.17 |
investigation | 2.12 |
word | coef |
uk | 6.85 |
eu | 3.36 |
grow | 2.77 |
worry | 2.77 |
strain | 2.64 |
az | 2.30 |
delay | 1.90 |
ireland | 1.90 |
simple | 1.90 |
struggling | 1.81 |
word | coef |
canada | 6.66 |
astrazeneca | 2.34 |
hotel | 2.07 |
simple | 1.96 |
book | 1.87 |
national | 1.61 |
ford | 1.56 |
ridiculous | 1.56 |
increasing | 1.56 |
doubt | 1.56 |
For each of the two sample periods, we would like to look at what words are associated with each country. We specifically look at the four most mentioned countries in each dataset: the US, China, Great Britain, and Canada.
2020 Interpretation
It is difficult to make sense of these words, but there are a few whose meanings are obvious. There seems to be a lot of focus on expertism in the US with words like “scientists,” “propaganda,” and “expert.” There’s also discussion of relief bills and certain people being irresponsible.
The China conversation centers around communism, racism, and international travel—to Europe and India.
The Britain-/Canada-related words don’t show any obvious themes, but it seems that the ventilator shortage in the UK was one salient topic.
2021 Interpretation
It is clear that the conversations surrounding these countries has changed in the past year. Rochelle Walensky, the new CDC Director is one term that sticks out. Others are the discussion of the country reopening, energy policy, and borders. We see that all of these terms are more specific than the general focus on scientists and experts that we saw in 2020. Perhaps our national fog is clearing as our country disseminates the vaccine and progress is made.
The China discussion still centers on theories about the origin of COVID-19, with mentions of a lab, bats, and Wuhan. Racism is still a common topic, especially given the recent hate crimes in the US.
THe UK mentions occur in the contexts of relations with the EU, worries about a new strain, and the Johnson & Johnson vaccine. Concerning Canada, we see talks of the AstraZeneca vaccine, which recently rolled out there. The other words listed are less easy to interpret.
Obama was the most followed person getting retweeted on that day, and it seems that Katy Perry was second. India PM Narendra Modi also was getting retweeted at the time, along with several news outlets, politicians, and celebrities.
In 2021, it seems that Obama was far and away the most followed person getting retweeted with nobody else coming near. News outlets encompass a greater share of the top 20 in follows—perhaps because there are less celebrities talking about COVID-19 in March of 2021 than in 2020.
ScreenName | rt_total |
moreki_mo | 369869 |
SethAbramson | 236566 |
ChicagoTraderrr | 204214 |
TechInsider | 184160 |
siravariety | 176882 |
a_new_hopee | 144919 |
SinghLions | 141862 |
_caitlingeorgia | 133052 |
JoeBiden | 128372 |
MLKChefLean | 126289 |
dglo4me | 118316 |
CorneliaLG | 114712 |
BarackObama | 111313 |
comiketofficial | 110311 |
sin_xia | 101894 |
FaveEngineerJen | 101459 |
b0mbchell_ | 93733 |
emmabethgall | 90161 |
jeremycyoung | 89643 |
quenblackwell | 85545 |
ScreenName | rt_total |
JRKSB_ | 140677 |
Marco_Acortes | 91265 |
Mippcivzla | 60549 |
JoeBiden | 59563 |
BIGHIT_MUSIC | 47090 |
NicolasMaduro | 40822 |
aj_buu | 39485 |
KatPapaJohns | 38968 |
leelecarvalho_ | 38215 |
Mikel_Jollett | 37101 |
wwxwashere | 35973 |
843KT | 35627 |
__Jones__ | 32319 |
Ric3townFinest | 31910 |
VTVcanal8 | 31656 |
mordomoeugenio | 28083 |
BarackObama | 25413 |
tattyhassan | 24946 |
Mediavenir | 22708 |
DanPriceSeattle | 21799 |
For both lists, most of these names are not particularly recognizable with the exception of Joe Biden, Barack Obama, and Nicolas Maduro (2021).
ScreenName | Followers | Retweets | n | rt_index*1e5 |
ElNacionalWeb | 5147877 | 6 | 3 | 0.04 |
ndtv | 15088045 | 71 | 4 | 0.12 |
Reuters | 23385704 | 200 | 5 | 0.17 |
guardian | 9702293 | 54 | 3 | 0.19 |
la_patilla | 7067042 | 83 | 5 | 0.23 |
radiomitre | 1054776 | 6 | 2 | 0.28 |
lasopa_news | 447945 | 4 | 3 | 0.30 |
kompascom | 8139885 | 146 | 6 | 0.30 |
CGTNOfficial | 13614960 | 142 | 3 | 0.35 |
elnorte | 1017073 | 8 | 2 | 0.39 |
ScreenName | Followers | Retweets | n | rt_index*1e5 |
detikcom | 16866238 | 6 | 9 | 0.00 |
TheEconomist | 25665215 | 9 | 4 | 0.01 |
FinancialTimes | 6956127 | 4 | 5 | 0.01 |
SSalud_mx | 1239631 | 3 | 8 | 0.03 |
latimes | 3813280 | 11 | 8 | 0.04 |
Independent | 3557651 | 7 | 3 | 0.07 |
eleconomista | 721345 | 1 | 2 | 0.07 |
HoustonChron | 648473 | 1 | 2 | 0.08 |
CGTNOfficial | 13614961 | 32 | 3 | 0.08 |
DolarToday | 3749456 | 20 | 6 | 0.09 |
ElNacionalWeb, NDTV, Reuters, and the Guardian are all terrible at getting retweeted, which makes sense because they likely tweet a lot of boring, matter-of-fact news as opposed to the clickbait-y headlines that sites like Fox or the New York Times tweet.
Again, we see mostly news sites failing to get many retweets. There isn’t anything too interesting to be said about this.
It seems that topic 9 was being retweeted about the most, which is very interesting because topic 9 had the fewest original tweets out of all topics we identified from the 2020 data.
Recall that topic 9 was about politics. Perhaps people tend to promote the views of media outlets or political influencers whose content they consume but don’t have much to personally contribute to these conversations.
It may also be the case that retweeting and publishing original tweets are zero sum behaviors. In other words, when people are more likely to retweet about a particular topic, maybe that makes them less likely to also tweet about it themselves. Maybe others’ have summed up their thoughts better than they can convey.
We will see if this pattern is also seen in the 2021 data.
This hypothesized explanation is supported by the 2021 data; topic 1 is the most retweeted about but is the least originally tweeted about. Recall that topic 1 was a sort of catch-all alarmist topic, though it mentions Peter Navarro. It may be the case that retweets displace tweets about the same topic.
30 Mar 2020 Mean Retweeted Tweet Length: 188.460557146576
30 Mar 2021 Mean Retweeted Tweet Length: 196.493874248729
We see that 2020 retweets are slightly shorter and conduct a t-test.
It seems the difference in tweet lengths is statistically significant. 2020 tweets (those being retweeted) were slightly shorter.
The sentiments observed are not strikingly different, but there is more sadness, less surprise, more negative sentiments, and less joy being expressed in 2021—over a year from the start of the pandemic in the US.
Average AFINN scores for all retweeted words by date
30 Mar 2020: -0.525
30 Mar 2021: -0.608
The 2021 retweets appear to be more negatively valenced.
The most common word in each period is “death.” It seems that this word is much more common among retweets than among original tweets. Perhaps, the topic is too heavy for people to feel compelled to write their own tweets about it but are willing to retweet others’ words. "F***" is much more common in 2020 than in 2021. Perhaps this is because people were more panicked at the start of the pandemic.
By examining tweets from these two dates, we were able to uncover a trove of insights about how COVID-19 communications have changed—both in sentiments and in content. We see that focus on China has abated slightly. Similarly, the topics that people are discussing have changed. Conversations about lockdown are less prevalent, and political discussions have changed as well. The kinds of tweets going viral (getting heavily retweeted) differ substantially between the two years. In fact, the average number of retweets has itself shifted dramatically, with much fewer retweets overall in 2021. While the presence of particular words can’t by itself predict how viral a tweet is, there are clear patterns about which words attracted attention during each period.
These findings may give clues about how policymakers and influencers can craft their messages to reach more eyes during similar healthcare crises. Because determinants of virality are ever-changing, influencers should keep their finger on the pulse using methods similar to the ones we use here.
First, we ultimately compared one day of tweets to another day of tweets one year later. While this computation already consumed a massive amount of computational power and memory, a more robust analysis might have compared a full week or even a month of tweets to another week or month of tweets. Because we only analyzed one day of tweets, there is a chance that our analysis could be capturing idiosyncratic variation for a given day rather than the general underlying sentiment of a prolonged time period. It goes without saying, however, that a full day of tweets is certainly more robust than one hour (or even one minute) of tweets.
Second, in this analysis, only certain kinds of people are drawn to Twitter, so Twitter analysis does not necessarily offer an accurate representation of how the population feels as a whole. More outspoken and extroverted people are more likely to express their views on Twitter, which leads to the underrepresentation of more soft spoken and introverted people. Therefore, this Twitter Analysis would be best utilized in combination with other data collection and analysis methods.
Ammar Plumber did the data retrieval and cleaning along with the topic modeling, newsmaps, exploratory/predictive analysis of virality, and interpretations of these sections.
Elaina Lin produced exploratory visualizations including word frequencies and sentiment analyses, as well as the CSS for the webpage and the writing/interpretations.
Kim Nguyen assisted with analyses of tweet length in both original tweets and retweets. She also contributed to the writing and webpage formatting efforts.
Ryan Karbowicz produced hashtag counts, topic frequency bar graphs for each sample, and much of the writing.
Meghan Aines helped with the writing and formatting of the webpage.